Dealer Rules & Essentials


The Kane County Flea Market has some of the most amazing dealers, and we're grateful for it! The quality of our dealers and the uniqueness of merchandise is what makes us the "Best in the Midwest or Anywhere"!  We are always looking to add more dealers into our Flea Market Family. If you are a first time dealer or a returning veteran, we have updated our general information and list of rules and regulations, our licensing agreement form, and our address form. Please be sure to read them. All documents are available to download and/or print. If you have any questions, please call our office.


Steps to Become a Dealer:

  1. Call our office to reserve a space and/or learn about your renting options
    1. You may also learn about renting options on our website under the "Setting Up, Info & Pricing" page
  2. If you follow through with renting a space, please send in your payment
    1. You may send a check payment through the mail OR deliver your payment in person to our on-site office at the start of the show
  3. Once payment is received ahead of time, we will mail your dealer pass that details your reserved space number, the licensing agreement form, and the address form
    1. Fill out both forms and bring them into the on-site office during the first day of the show or mail them so that we receive them before the first show date
    2. You will need your dealer pass to enter the grounds as a respected dealer
      1. If you deliver your payment at the start of the show, your pass will be waiting for you at the entrance gate; you can then come in to the on-site office to fill out your forms and deliver payment


Returing Dealers:

  1. Visit the on-site office during the show or call to confirm you are attending the next month
  2. Send in payment prior to your next show OR bring payment to our on-site office during the Saturday or Sunday of the show (Note: late payments result in a $20 late fee)


Licensing Agreement (Page 1)
Licensing Agreement Front (1).jpg
JPG image [1'002.4 KB]
Licensing Agreement (Page 2)
Licensing Agreement Back (1).jpg
JPG image [1.0 MB]
Dealer Address and Information Form
Dealer Address and Information Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [79.1 KB]

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© KCF Market, Inc.